Illustrated Invitation Coloring Posters
Illustrated Invitation Coloring Posters is a digital product. No physical product will be shipped. Your purchase includes one Single-Entity license. Learn about Multi-Entity licenses here.
These posters go with our curriculum, An Illustrated Invitation: Joining God at Work in the World. If you'd like a free sample lesson from the curriculum, click here.
Our Illustrated Invitation Coloring Posters highlight biblical stories of joining God at work in the world from both the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament. These posters will draw all ages into conversation with these biblical stories which show us what God is doing and invite us to consider how to join in that work.
Poster Details
- Three of the posters are 24"36" and the overall theme poster is 48"x36".
- Your download will include the digital files and printing instructions.
Your purchase includes both Adobe Illustrator (AI files) and Adobe Acrobat (PDF files) versions of the posters. After your purchase, you will immediately receive a download link to get your zip file. Detailed instructions will come with the download as to how we suggest getting the posters printed. If you have the files printed somewhere like Staples, we recommend having them printed as engineering prints (and specifically asking for "engineering prints" and not "posters"), as that is the most inexpensive option available. You can learn more about engineering prints here.
Illustrated Invitation Stories:
MODULE 1: God’s Invitation in the Hebrew Scriptures:
- Genesis 12:1-3; 15:1, 5-6: God Invites Abram and Sarai
- Genesis 21:5-21: God’s Love for Hagar and Ishmael
- Genesis 28:10-19: The Place God Was In
- Numbers 27:1-11: Five Daughters Demand to be Included
MODULE 2: God’s Invitation in the New Testament:
- Luke 2:41-52: God’s Wisdom is with the Child
- Luke 19:1-10: Jesus Surprises Zacchaeus
- Matthew 22:34-40: Love God, Love Your Neighbor
- Acts 16:13-15: Lydia Extends an Invitation
MODULE 3: Accepting God’s Invitation:
- Deuteronomy 6:4-9; 24-25: Everywhere You Go
- Leviticus 25:8-10: Jubilee
- Acts 2:1-12; 37-47: The Gift of the Holy Spirit
- 1 Corinthians 11:23-26: Remember Me