"Peace Be Upon You" Backpack Tags
"Peace Be Upon You" Backpack Tags is a digital product. No physical product will be shipped. Your purchase includes one Single-Entity license. Learn about Multi-Entity licenses here.
We are thrilled to bring you another creative and colorful tag for your community's "Blessing of the Backpacks" service—or any back-to-school celebration. Our other backpack tag designs are available here. And if you'd like this tag design but in Spanish, you can get our "La Paz Sea Con Ustedes" Backpack Tags here.
"Peace Be Upon You." What better message could kids receive as they return to school? This universal message of Peace Be Upon You is used around the world by many different cultures and religions. In Hebrew, it's Shalom aleichem and in Arabic, it's As-salamu alaykum. The universality of this message also means there are even more uses for this backpack tag and phrase.
Many churches put together backpacks or school supplies for kids not connected to the church, and perhaps some of these children come from different religious backgrounds or no religious background. This is still a message that you can feel comfortable sharing with both people within your church and those not connected to a faith community.
Other uses for this design:
- Diaper bag ID tags in your infant/toddler rooms
- Small greeting cards
- Lunchbox cards
- Luggage tags
- Print on "shrinky dink" paper and make zipper tags
Details about the Tags
Upon placing your order, you will receive a ZIP file that includes both B&W and color PDF versions of the tags. We will also include a PNG image file of the illustration in case you want to use it for your promotional materials.
You can print these on standard business card stock (3.5" x 2") like the Avery business cards #8871. Our files are formatted to print on these #8871 Avery business cards, though you may need to play around with the file a bit depending on your printer.
Laminating the Tags
Here are some items* that will help you prepare the tags in a way that makes them easy to attach to bags or other items.
- Thermal Laminator
- Laminating Pouches for Luggage Tags (with the loop)
- Laminating Pouches - Business Card Size
- Avery Business Cards #8871
- Avery #8871 Template
*Linked items are affiliate links.