Liturgical Calendar Coloring Page & Poster (2024–2025)
Liturgical Calendar Coloring Page & Poster (2024–2025) is a digital product. No physical product will be shipped. Your purchase includes one Single-Entity license. Learn about Multi-Entity licenses here.
At the beginning of each year, we anticipate and celebrate the birth of Christ through Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany. The season after Epiphany is a season of growth as we prepare for Jesus’ death and resurrection through Lent and Easter. We celebrate God’s promise and the gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, and the season after Pentecost is another period of growth for the life of the church. We begin the church year again with Advent.
This Liturgical Calendar Coloring Page & Poster (2024–2025) begins on the first Sunday of Advent (December 1, 2024) and ends on Reign of Christ Sunday (November 23, 2025). Each season contains every Sunday date within the season. The bottom portion of the calendar highlights significant dates within the 2024–2025 liturgical church year. As we embrace this cyclical way of observing time and moving through the seasons with this calendar, we hope you experience sacredness and rhythm.
Our Liturgical Calendar Coloring Page & Poster (2024–2025) can be used in various ways. This coloring page & poster can be used for a worship activity for children, a large coloring poster that your community could color over the church year, or for use with adult education or confirmation classes.
What You Will Receive
Upon completion of your purchase, you will receive a link to a ZIP file that includes the following:
- Coloring Pages & Posters: We include both the Adobe Illustrator files (for the coloring poster sizes) and PDF files for you to take to a printer (or print from your own home or office if you have a large format printer). The poster is formatted in the following sizes: 8.5˝ x 11˝, 11˝ x 17˝, 24˝ x 36˝, and 36˝ x 48˝.
- Info PDF: This informational PDF will give you helpful details on getting the files printed.
- Full-color arrow: If you’d like to keep track of where you are in the church year, we’ve created a colorful arrow for you to print out. You can also download it for free here.
Full-color Poster Print
In addition to this black-and-white coloring page and poster, we've also created a beautiful, full-color poster for 2024–2025. The poster's stunning colors and stained glass textures will be a statement piece in any space. You can purchase it here.