Illustrated Earth Coloring Posters
Illustrated Earth Coloring Posters is a digital product. No physical product will be shipped. Your purchase includes one Single-Entity license. Learn about Multi-Entity licenses here.
Our Illustrated Earth Coloring Posters accompany our Illustrated Earth: Celebrating God's Creation curriculum (although they can certainly be purchased without using the curriculum). The Illustrated Earth Coloring Posters set includes 12 different poster designs: we have 3 separate modules of stories, and each module has four posters that illustrate a story from scripture.
Poster Details
- All twelve posters are 24"36".
- Your download will include the digital files and printing instructions.
Your purchase includes both Adobe Illustrator (AI files) and Adobe Acrobat (PDF files) versions of the posters. After your purchase, you will immediately receive a download link to get your zip file. Detailed instructions will come with the download as to how we suggest getting the posters printed. If you have the files printed somewhere like Staples, we recommend having them printed as engineering prints (and specifically asking for "engineering prints" and not "posters"), as that is the most inexpensive option available. You can learn more about engineering prints here.
Ideas for Using Our Coloring Posters
If you're wondering how to use these coloring posters, you can get some great ideas from these blog posts.
- Ways to Use Our Large Coloring Posters: Ten Creative Ideas
- How Churches Use Our Advent Coloring Posters
Additional Poster Details
Each of the posters corresponds to a lesson from each teaching module from the Illustrated Earth curriculum and includes both words and symbols from the biblical stories included in the modules. The modules are listed below for each of the posters:
Module 1: Water Stories
- Week 1: Genesis 1:6-10: Separation of the Water
- Week 2: Exodus 14:15-31: Parting of the Red Sea
- Week 3: Matthew 3:13-17: Baptism of Jesus
- Week 4: Mark 4:35-41: Calming of the Storm
Module 2: Food & Plant Stories
- Week 1: Exodus 16: Manna & Quail
- Week 2: Mark 6:31-44: Feeding of the 5,000
- Week 3: Leviticus 25:1-7: The Sabbatical Year
- Week 4: Mark 4:1-9: Parable of the Sower
Module 3: Animal Stories
- Week 1: Genesis 1:20-25: Creation of Animals
- Week 2: Numbers 22:22-35: Balaam and the Lord’s Messenger
- Week 3: Jonah: Jonah and the Big Fish
- Week 4: Luke 15:1-7: Parable of the Lost Sheep