Illustrated Worship Resources: Advent 2016 (Year A)
Illustrated Worship Resources: Advent 2016 (Year A) is a digital product. No physical product will be shipped. Your purchase includes one Single-Entity license. Learn about Multi-Entity licenses here.
Illustrated Worship Resources provide you with creative, hand-drawn full-color illustrations to use for your Children's Moments during worship, as well as creative, engaging and fun Children's Worship Bulletins that don't suck.
For this Advent product, we are offering our Illustrated Worship Resources for both the Revised Common Lectionary and the Narrative Lectionary, from November 27, 2016 - December 25, 2016.
When you purchase our Illustrated Worship Resources, you will receive 5 hand-drawn illustrations and 5 bulletins (see samples images and bulletins on the left).
Illustrated Children's Moments
- You will receive 5 full-color, original, hand-drawn illustrations of Bible stories from the lectionary. These aren't your Precious Moments Bible story illustrations - the style is playful and modern.
- For this Advent edition only, we will also include the black and white versions of the illustrations that you can use to give children as coloring sheets.
- Each illustration is accompanied by a thoughtful reflection you can use to plan your children's moment. It's not a script, but you can use it to craft a children's sermon that engages children where they are.
Below is a list of the stories that are illustrated in the Revised Common Lectionary version:
- Nov 27 - Isaiah 2:1-5
- Dec 4 - Matthew 3:1-12
- Dec 11 - Luke 1:46b-55
- Dec 18 - Matthew 1:18-25
- Dec 25 - Luke 2:1-20
Below is a list of the stories that are illustrated in the Narrative Lectionary version:
- Nov 27 - Daniel 6:6-27
- Dec 4 - Joel 2: 12-13, 28-29
- Dec 11 - Isaiah 61: 1-11
- Dec 18 - Luke 1: 26-49
- Dec 25 - Luke 2:1-20
Children's Worship Bulletins
- You will also receive 5 Children's Worship Bulletins, covering the four Sundays of Advent and Christmas morning.
- Activities in the worship bulletins include word searches, lots of white space for imaginative drawing based on prompts, word scrambles, connect-the-dots, and lots of creative coloring opportunities.
- These could be given to children as they enter into worship, placed in children’s worship bags, or I’ve seen some Sunday School teachers who use them if they have some extra time after the class is done, or if they want to just send something home with the kids.
- People have told us that our Children's Worship Bulletins are more relevant, engaging and creative than many of the other ones that have been out there for years.
You are purchasing a digital product, so upon receipt of your payment, you'll receive an email with your download link to get your products. No products will be shipped to you.
About our Tiered Pricing Structure
Thousands of churches have used our products over the past year, and we've been excited to see tiny country churches in the most rural parts of the country having access to, and being able to afford, the same curriculum, worship resources and products that large churches in large metropolitan areas can afford.
One of the ways we do that is through a tiered pricing structure. We aim to make the price of our products both accessible and fair, and so we ask that you select the appropriate option for your church size. We don't at this time, however, have a way of verifying the church size of everyone who places an order - it is strictly on the honor system.