In Light & Darkness

The inspiration for our theme comes from the common usage of “light” and “darkness” during Advent and from exploring how the earth experiences both the very lightest and darkest days with summer and winter solstices during Advent.
Scripture focusing on God’s light has led to the belief light is the source of goodness and hope. This belief implies darkness is not wanted or needed, it is something to banish or get rid of, or that God is not even present in the dark.
Barbara Brown Taylor’s book, Learning to Walk in the Dark, helps us reimagine our understanding of darkness, primarily how Christianity heavily relies on the binary construct of light as good and darkness as bad. Taylor proposes that the pair of light and dark co-exist in balance, not opposition. She asks, “What can light possibly mean without dark?”
We hope our In Light and Darkness-themed materials below will help you share conversations about your understanding of light and darkness.
Advent Candle Lighting Liturgy
Download a sample. To see the candle lighting liturgy for Advent 1, you can download a sample of our God With Us Advent Worship Liturgy Set. ADV...
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