Illustrated Compassion Coloring Pages
Illustrated Compassion Coloring Pages is a digital product. No physical product will be shipped. Your purchase includes one Single-Entity license. Learn about Multi-Entity licenses here.
Important Product Note: These coloring pages have the same designs as our Illustrated Compassion Coloring Posters, however they are sized to be printed out as coloring pages, not large coloring posters. The 8.5x11 version of these coloring pages is already included in both An Illustrated Compassion: Learning to Love Like God and An Illustrated Compassion for Families. If you want the flexibility of printing them out slightly larger, you may want to purchase these as well.
Our Illustrated Compassion Coloring Pages highlight biblical stories of compassion from both the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament. Those who color these pages will be drawn into these biblical stories which both show us what God's compassion looks like and invite us to consider how to live compassionately in the world today.
While you're working on these coloring pages, you'll be able to see words, themes, symbols and illustrations from the following biblical stories:
- Genesis 18:1-8: Abraham and Sarah’s Guests
- Exodus 1:15-21: Shiphrah and Puah’s Courage
- 2 Samuel 9:1-13: David Shows Kindness
- 2 Kings 6:8-23: The Feast that Brought Peace
- Matthew 9:35-38: Jesus’ Compassion
- Mark 10:17-27: The One Thing
- Luke 7:11-17: Compassion that Heals
- John 5:1-9: Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
- Deuteronomy 10:12-22: You Were Immigrants
- Micah 6:6-8: What is Good
- Matthew 25:31-46: Lord, When Was It?
- Luke 10:25–37: The One Who Showed Mercy
What You Will Receive
When you purchase these coloring pages, you'll receive a ZIP file with three PDF documents. Each PDF will include the coloring pages ready to be printed out at different sizes. With your purchase, you'll be able to print these coloring pages out on the following sizes:
- 8.5 x 11 - Letter
- 8.5 x 14 - Legal
- 11 x 17 - Tabloid
We hope this will increase your ability to use these coloring pages in a variety of different ways.