Holy Week Coloring Pages
Holy Week Coloring Pages is a digital product. No physical product will be shipped. Your purchase includes one Single-Entity license. Learn about Multi-Entity licenses here.
This is a collection of Holy Week coloring pages that you can use in a variety of contexts.
- Looking for an activity during Holy Week for your youth or college students? Print out a variety of these coloring pages and hand them out to color and enjoy conversation and community.
- Print out a set to send home with families as they leave the Palm Sunday service so kids have some coloring pages to work on during their breaks from school and other regular activities.
- Looking for some kid-friendly activities during some of your Holy Week services? Use these and you may even find some adults coloring as well!
When you purchase our Holy Week Coloring Pages, you'll receive a PDF with six coloring pages based on moments during Holy Week:
- Luke 19:28–40: The disciples find a donkey for Jesus.
- Matthew 21:1–11: Jesus arrives in Bethlehem on Palm Sunday
- Psalm 118: Blessed is the One who comes in the name of God.
- Luke 22:15: "I have eagerly desired this Passover with you before I suffer."
- Luke 22:14–20: "Do this in remembrance of me."
- Mark 14:36: Jesus prayed, "Abba, Father, for you all things are possible. Remove this cup from me; yet not what I want, but what you want."
We hope you find some creative uses for these coloring pages, and that they help you, your family, and/or your community find meaning in the Lenten season.
What You'll Receive
When you complete your purchase, you will get a link to a downloadable PDF that includes the coloring pages, ready to be printed out on US Letter (8.5" x 11") sheets of paper.