Illustrated Nativity Figures
Illustrated Nativity Figures is a digital product. No physical product will be shipped. Your purchase includes one Single-Entity license. Learn about Multi-Entity licenses here.
Purchase our Illustrated Nativity Figures and receive a beautiful set of 20 illustrations that you can use in a variety of ways. Whether you're looking for new illustrations to use for your Christmas worship bulletin or newsletter, or you'd like to create giant, life-size nativity figures, this set of illustrations provides you with endless possibilities to get creative.
This product came about because some of our customers wanted life-size nativity figures for a Christmas service they were planning. If you'd like to learn more about how you can also create life-size nativity figures, check out the blog post here.
We are offering these Illustrated Nativity Figures in two different file formats:
- Vector Files: We include both Adobe Illustrator and PDF files that are formatted to be printed out at 4´ x 8´. However, these are vector files, and you can size them to whatever dimensions you need for your project. There are 18 PDFs and 18 vector files (two have multiple images on them). If you'd like to create life-size nativity figures, you will need to purchase the Vector Files.
- PNG Images: These are PNG image files with transparent backgrounds. The largest of these images is 1477 pixels wide, and the rest are sized proportionally to the largest image. There are 20 image files. The PNG images are ideal for use on bulletins, newsletters, slides, social media, or for the web.
You have our permission to use these images; however, they are not to be used on anything that is sold or repurposed into another product for sale.
Product Type
You can purchase the Vector Files & PNG Images, or the PNG Images ONLY. Both options come with some printing information, as well as an easy reference guide that includes all 20 illustrations on one page.
- Vector Files & PNG Images: If you want the most flexibility and creative options, purchase both the vector files and the PNG images. This also comes with an easy reference guide, as well as a sample supply list with suggested instructions for creating life-size nativity figures.
- PNG Images ONLY: This option comes with only the 20 PNG images for smaller-scale use, as well as the easy reference guide.
How would I use these Illustrated Nativity Figures?
We are so excited for you to start imagining and making fantastic creations with these Illustrated Nativity Figures. We know you will have more ideas, but here are a few ways you could consider using these Illustrated Nativity Figures:
- Create a brand-new, life-size nativity scene to go outside your church. We all know the look of the ‘traditional’ Nativity scenes, and perhaps your church is ready for a new, modern, Illustrated Ministry-designed Nativity Scene. You'll want to check with your local printer to get an estimate of what the project will cost.
- Have children, youth, or even individual families, agree to help paint and decorate one of the Illustrated Nativity Figures.
- Consider setting them up in your church’s parking lot and doing a drive-thru experience. Create a liturgy or set of readings that families could do together as they pass each of the Illustrated Nativity Figures.
- Are you looking for new graphics for your Advent/Christmas worship bulletins? Or perhaps you could use them for slides or even include them on Zoom backgrounds while you preach?
- Making your own coloring pages!