Liturgy for Compassion Camp: What Every Living Thing Needs
Liturgy for Compassion Camp: What Every Living Thing Needs is a digital product. No physical product will be shipped. Your purchase includes one Single-Entity license. Learn about Multi-Entity licenses here.
This Worship Liturgy Set includes over 80 prayers and litanies that were written to go along with Compassion Camp: What Every Living Thing Needs.
Who is it for?
Most churches will purchase this to assist with their worship planning while using Compassion Camp.
Our Liturgy for Compassion Camp: What Every Living Thing Needs includes over 80 prayers and litanies. With all the work that goes into creating an experience like VBS, let us handle getting all the liturgy together that you can use or adapt for your context.
One of our goals at Illustrated Ministry is always to make your jobs easier. We hope these prayers and litanies will help do just that.
For the six weeks of liturgy included in this resource, we provide you with the following:
- Call to Worship
- Opening Prayer
- Passing of the Peace
- Additional Prayer
- Prayer of Confession
- Assurance of Pardon
- Prayer of Illumination
- Prayers of the People
- Prayer for the Offering
- Communion (Invitation, Great Thanksgiving, Prayer Following Communion)
- Affirmation
- Charge and Benediction
About Compassion Camp's Theme
Through Compassion Camp: What Every Living Thing Needs, participants will explore what all living things need to live—shelter, food, water, air, and community—and how they can have compassion for the living earth, especially in their local ecosystems. Through awareness, gratitude, wonderment, reciprocity, and kinship, participants will consider how to become co-sustainers and participants in the work of God’s creation.
We have crafted the prayers and litanies in Liturgy for Compassion Camp: What Every Living Thing Needs to weave together these creation care themes seamlessly into your worship gatherings.
Purchase Compassion Camp: What Every Living Thing Needs here.