Illustrated Compassion Coloring Posters
Illustrated Compassion Coloring Posters is a digital product. No physical product will be shipped. Your purchase includes one Single-Entity license. Learn about Multi-Entity licenses here.
Our Illustrated Compassion Coloring Posters highlight biblical stories of compassion from both the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament. Those who color the posters will be drawn into these biblical stories which both show us what God's compassion looks like and invite us to consider how to live compassionately in the world today.
Poster Details
- Three of the posters are 24"36" and the overall theme poster is 48"x36".
- Your download will include the digital files and printing instructions.
Your purchase includes both Adobe Illustrator (AI files) and Adobe Acrobat (PDF files) versions of the posters. After your purchase, you will immediately receive a download link to get your zip file. Detailed instructions will come with the download as to how we suggest getting the posters printed. If you have the files printed somewhere like Staples, we recommend having them printed as engineering prints (and specifically asking for "engineering prints" and not "posters"), as that is the most inexpensive option available. You can learn more about engineering prints here.
Additional Details About Posters
Each of the posters corresponds to a teaching module from the Illustrated Compassion curriculum and includes both words and symbols from the biblical stories included in the modules. The modules are listed below for each of the posters:
Module 1 Poster – Compassion in the Hebrew Scriptures
- Genesis 18:1-8: Abraham and Sarah’s Guests
- Exodus 1:15-21: Shiphrah and Puah’s Courage
- 2 Samuel 9:1-13: David Shows Kindness
- 2 Kings 6:8-23: The Feast that Brought Peace
Module 2 Poster – Compassion in the New Testament
- Matthew 9:35-38: Jesus’ Compassion
- Mark 10:17-27: The One Thing
- Luke 7:11-17: Compassion that Heals
- John 5:1-9: Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
Module 3 Poster – Living a Compassionate Life
- Deuteronomy 10:12-22: You Were Immigrants
- Micah 6:6-8: What is Good
- Matthew 25:31-46: Lord, When Was It?
- Luke 10:25–37: The One Who Showed Mercy
Ideas for Using Our Illustrated Compassion Coloring Posters
There are many ways to use our Illustrated Compassion Coloring Posters – and you all probably have even more creative ideas than these – but here are a few that come to mind:
- Sunday School: Use these posters along with our Illustrated Compassion Curriculum for a no-prep Sunday school curriculum, and your kids will love getting to color the large posters! Even better - they make beautiful art that can be framed and/or displayed throughout your church facilities!
- As an activity for children during worship: Many churches have left these posters on a table or on the floor for children during the service, which has proven to be a fun way to keep them engaged in the service.
- As an activity during VBS: Maybe you’re thinking about your summer VBS program – and you’re looking for another activity to fill some of the time and add some variety to your curriculum? The posters would be a great option for that.
- Intergenerational Family Nights: Get families and other church members together for a fun evening. Start with coloring the posters around tables and talking about the stories, enjoy a meal together, and then end the evening by roasting marshmallows outside for some S’mores!
What about coloring pages?
We are offering coloring pages based on these posters, and this year they are available in the following sizes: 8.5x11, 8.5x14 and 11x17. You can purchase them here.