Advent Journey Coloring Pages
Advent Journey Coloring Pages is a digital product. No physical product will be shipped. Your purchase includes one Single-Entity license. Learn about Multi-Entity licenses here.
These are the 8.5x11 versions of our popular Advent Journey Coloring Poster illustrations. When you purchase this digital download, you'll receive THREE VERSIONS of the coloring illustrations.
- One is the same design that you will find on our large coloring posters.
- Another is a simplified illustration for our youngest coloring friends.
- And finally, we have an even more detailed version for those who are looking for a coloring challenge.
So there is something for all ages and all abilities. You can see some examples of these different styles by clicking on the images on the left.
To get the most out of the Advent Journey Coloring Pages this Advent, we'd encourage you to also pick up our Advent Journey Devotional Guide, which you can find here.
Digital Files
When you purchase these files, you'll receive a PDF file that includes all three versions of the coloring pages.
About the Coloring Page Themes
COLORING PAGE 1: KEEP AWAKE We begin our Advent Journey with the reminder (and exhortation) to “Keep awake – Keep alert!” Our God is a God who constantly looks for ways to surprise us and catch us off guard. The Holy finds its way through cracks, and if we are awake and alert, we have a better chance of seeing God show up in all of the large, and small, ways that God makes Godself known to us.
In this coloring page, we have a group of people looking to the heavens and keeping watch and staying alert (inspired by Isaiah 64:1, “O that you would tear open the heavens and come down…”).
Scripture found in coloring page: Mark 13:24-37
When we think of John the Baptist, we may imagine that no one could miss him because he was so eccentric. But he was also out in the wilderness, and while people came to him to be baptized, there were probably many others who weren’t paying enough attention to know about him.
John’s message to the people of his day, and to us, is to “Prepare!” And that is what we do during Advent – we are preparing ourselves, our families, our communities, for the birth of love into this world.
In this coloring page, we have John the Baptist, out in the wilderness by the River Jordan, ready to baptize those who would make the journey to be baptized.
Scripture found in coloring page: Psalm 85:1-11, Mark 1:1-8 and 2 Peter 3:9
“Do not be afraid” is a common refrain used throughout biblical stories and one that we need to hear over and over again. In our world today, and in a world that we fear and imagine is possible in the future, we need to be reminded not to be afraid.
Here in this coloring page, we have the angel Gabriel coming to bring this important message to Mary, as Mary’s life changes forever with the news of the child that will be born, Jesus.
Scripture found in coloring page: Luke 1:26-38 and Psalm 89:1
If we accept the angel’s invitation to “Not be afraid” – this can often put us in a posture to be more receptive to what God might have for us. We see this in Mary’s response both to the angel’s exhortation to not fear and the news that she would bear a son and name him Jesus.
Mary’s response is “My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” This is not the response from someone who is living in fear.
In this coloring page, we have Mary responding to the angel Gabriel’s news for her. We can see a look of contentment on her face as she ponders all of these amazing words.
Scripture found in coloring page: Isaiah 61:10 and Luke 1:46b-55
From the decree of Emperor Augustus to Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem, to the birth of Jesus, shepherds, angels and more, our fifth coloring page walks people through the Christmas story. Surrounding the illustrated story, we find scripture references that tell different portions of the biblical prophecies and promises of the Christmas story.
Scripture found in coloring page: Isaiah 9:2,6, Luke 2, Titus 2:11, and John 1:14
As we move from Advent and Christmas into Epiphany and a new year, this final coloring page will give you and your community the chance to do some reflecting on the themes of Advent in their own lives and what it means for them moving forward into 2018.
As you can see below, this coloring page's primary purpose is to serve as a tool to prompt ideas, prayers, conversations, and hopes for the upcoming new year.
Participants will be encouraged to write or draw their responses to the following four questions:
- Keep Awake: What are you watching for?
- Prepare: What are you preparing for?
- Do Not Be Afraid: What do you need to stop fearing?
- My Soul Magnifies the Lord: What are you praising God for?