Interactive Christmas Storybook
Interactive Christmas Storybook is a digital product. No physical product will be shipped. Your purchase includes one Single-Entity license. Learn about Multi-Entity licenses here.
Our Interactive Christmas Storybook is a creative Advent and Christmas craft with a wonderful and creative retelling of the birth of Jesus.
The Interactive Christmas Storybook, The Night Jesus Was Born, would be a wonderful addition to an Advent fair or a great gift to send home with families (or email to your grandkids!).
Everything changed the night Jesus was born. Forward became backward, up became down, first became last, rich became poor. God, as a baby, turned the world upside down.
Two unique features of this interactive storybook:
- Each page of the book playfully adds or takes away a different element to embody the movement and layers of the story.
- The text is a reverse poem. It’s meant to be read forward and backward. When you get to the last page, read the final paragraph as is. You can then retell the story moving backward. Begin with the bottom line and continue reading upwards with each paragraph. The book will end with the same line it began with, “Everything changed…”
We've included a read aloud video below that you can watch to hear the full story.
Making your storybook: To make your storybook, we recommend printing on thick cardstock. Then, cut along the dashed lines on pages 2, 3, and 4 to remove the middle parts and reveal the layers of the story. Staple or bind your pages along the short edge to create your storybook, and you’re ready to enter the Christmas story!
File Delivery
Upon your purchase, you will receive a ZIP file that includes an informational PDF about the Interactive Christmas Storybook and a full-color PDF of the actual storybook to print out.