Advent Journey Devotional Guide
Advent Journey Devotional Guide is a digital product. No physical product will be shipped. Your purchase includes one Single-Entity license. Learn about Multi-Entity licenses here.
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Our Advent Journey Devotional Guide can be used on its own, but it is meant to accompany our Advent Journey Coloring Posters & Coloring Pages. This Devotional Guide includes six meaningful devotions with reflections and questions for both children and adults. It was written in such a way that people of all ages could use the guide as a supplemental resource to the Coloring Posters and Coloring Pages.
The short reflections and questions for both kids and adults will prepare you for Advent and the Christmas season. Additionally, the sixth devotion will guide you into Epiphany and help you reflect on your hopes and dreams for the coming year.
The reflections and questions for both kids and adults will prepare you for Advent and the Christmas season. Additionally, the sixth devotion will guide you into Epiphany and help you reflect on your hopes and dreams for the coming year.
Each of the devotions includes the following:
- Suggested scripture to read
- A reflection that is geared toward youth and adults
- A shorter reflection on the scripture for children
- Questions for children
- A "Going Deeper" section with questions for all ages
These devotions were written by Geoff Duffy, who, over the last twenty years, has worked as the Pastoral Assistant for Liturgy and Music in several Catholic parishes, as well as spent time with Lutherans and Presbyterians. Duffy was also the author of our Stations of the Cross Devotional Guide, which was used by over 500 churches.
Note: The illustrations in the Devotional Guide are just meant as a reference to what illustration the devotion goes with. They are not meant to be large enough to color. We encourage you to purchase our Advent Journey Coloring Posters or the Advent Journey Coloring Pages (8.5x11).
Ways to Use Our Devotional Guide
There are many ways to use this devotional guide, and here are a few to get your creative juices flowing.
- Purchase it for yourself or your family, and spend time going through the devotions during Advent.
- Put together an intergenerational Sunday School class during Advent and bring people together for coloring and conversation (using the reflections and prompts in the devotional guide).
- Download it and print it off to take to those in your congregations who can't make it to weekly worship anymore as a way to connect them with what your church is doing during Advent this year.
What You'll Receive
Upon your purchase, you will receive a downloadable PDF of the Devotional Guide that you can print out.